Dale Ladeuceur and Bill Hobson, as producer and engineer, provided a condusive environment and the comprehensive skills to create and record this album. They are truly a magnificent team.
Stew Kirkwood did a marvelous job at mastering this album. He has a bionic ear that remains highly recommended by the many musicians who had the privilege of recording with him.
Bob Tildseley (trumpet) and Brad Shigeta (trombone) were a hoot to work with. These cats are accountable for the bad ass brass fanfare on "Keeps Me Listening."
Ben Todd has been a longstanding close friend and a significant influence both spiritually and musically. Having his presence on this album was essential.
An absolute honor to have the opportunity of working with this group. Rehearsing harmonies with Sarah Pocklington, Debbie Houle and Sherryl Sewepagaham was a sheer joy and inspires the idea of an acapela album some day.
Mr. Babcock is a much sought after sax player whom I've been very fortunate to work with. His embelishment to "Pearl of my Eye," is just another reason why he deserves international recognition.
Cliff has been instrumental in my musical career by providing the trust I needed to finance my gear. He is a "monster" bass player who makes me lucky on several accounts.
Gareth's friendship and musicianship are imprinted on his percussion. His contribution to this project has the stamp of his heart as our tracks lead back to childhood.
Brother Rod is the driving force behind our acoustic duo Frantically Atlantic and is, in my humble opinion - lord of the strings. Rod is the instructor of The Edmonton Fiddlers - a group of youngsters who bring the joy of their instrument everywhere.
Seth is my first born and only son. He played the guitar solo on "Our Routes," a song written as a tribute to what he brought to my life upon his birth. By far, the richest experience in the creation of this album.